Vesti iz Zentive
Prague - March 31, 2021 – Zentiva passed over 250,000 packs of its Sanicor disinfectant to Czech Food banks for a symbolic price. Food banks will further distribute the Sanicor disinfectant to people in need and vulnerable groups, such as shelters, single mothers, and outreach clients.
The idea was supported by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
"Zentiva approached us with a request for recommendations on where to meaningfully direct its offer. We have been cooperating with Food banks for a long time and their support is more than appropriate in the current situation. Therefore, we decided to recommend this organization. The Food bank can get help to those most in need very quickly through his partners" concludes Mgr. Martina Štěpánková, MPA, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs.
Sanicor Disinfection will be supplied in two sizes, 50ml and 500ml intended for direct distribution to individuals, and larger packages can then be used in common areas of shelters, contact centers, etc. The symbolic price corresponds to 0.01 CZK smaller package and CZK 0.10 for larger.
"As part of our #WeHelpOthers Programme Zentiva wanted to help the most endangered groups in the Czech Republic within our capabilities in the current urgent epidemiological situation. Because we want to target where this need is the most urgent, we decided to contact the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs for advice. We are very pleased that the Ministry has directed us, opening the door for further potential cooperation with Food bank, "comments Soňa Porubská, General Manager of Zentiva CZ&SK.
The aim is to support all those who do not have access to disinfectants or hygiene products and protective equipment in the current situation. Together with Food banks, we managed to select specific institutions throughout the Czech Republic, through which personal disinfection of Sanicor will reach the most endangered clients. This will help them in their daily protection against viruses and bacteria.
"The number of people in need is constantly growing, our customer organizations work with them daily and try to help them as much as possible. They often lack the money to satisfy even the most basic human needs. Disinfection or special hygiene is not available for most of them. We appreciate that Zentiva is helping us. We will now get as quickly as possible to those who need it the most," adds Mgr. Veronika Láchová, Director of the Czech Federation of Food Banks.
This activity will be further supported by a private carrier, the company PROfreight CZ, s.r.o., which will ship Sanicor Zentiva disinfection to food banks throughout the Czech Republic pro bono.
Mgr. Petra Hájková - Head of Communications of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs | Mgr. Martina Štěpánková, - MPA Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs | Mgr. Veronika Láchová - Director of the Czech Federation of Food Banks | Soňa Porubská - General Manager Zentiva CZ&SK | Zuzana Nováková - OTC Lead at Zentiva CZ & SK